Step 1

To start purchasing our products at wholesale prices, kindly create a wholesale account. Please note that the account creation process may take up to one business day to complete.

Step 2

After creating an account, kindly browse through our product catalogue and ensure to read the product descriptions thoroughly, as each product has its own minimum order quantity specified.

Step 3

Once your wholesale account has been approved, you will be assigned to one of our sales representatives. We advise you to check the availability of each product with your assigned sales rep before placing any orders.

Step 4

Once the availability of the product has been confirmed, we will send you an invoice for your order.

Step 5

To ensure a smooth shipping process, please provide us with the correct shipping address where you would like the product to be delivered.

Step 6

We offer various payment options for your convenience, Wire Transfers, Chase QuickPay and Zelle.

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